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We did not scan NBSCaptcha for viruses, adware, spyware or other type of malware. For your own protection it's recommended to have an updated antivirus installed on your computer when downloading and installing programs from Download3000. Download3000 lists downloads from various software publishers, so if you have a question regarding a particular software contact the publisher directly. The download links for Universal Fast Ping are provided to you by Download3000 without any warranties, representations or gurantees of any kind, so download at your own risk.Publisher description
Install this free Captcha script onto any page that requires your site visitors to submit any form. The script will freeze your form submit button. Your site visitors will need to answer a simple arithmetic question where the answer would only be a 2 digit anwer. The answer will need to be checked and if correct, the Submit button is then released for the visitor to submit the form. If the answer is incorrect, the question is reset hence the v...
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